Download Adafruit Flora (COM6) Driver
I just got my Flora after difficulty finding a different way to get my neopixels running. Maybe some people should just not play with electronics. I was trying to follow this guide, to blink the on-board neopixel.
Click on the 'Download Drivers' button. A file will appear in your Downloads folder. Extract the zip file and double click on the windows-driver-installer.exe to install the driver. If you get any security warnings, click 'Install' to continue. Want to make clothes that light up when you move? It's easy with Flora, Adafruit's Arduino-compatible wearables platform, which Becky Stern uses to make a Sp. Flora Driver install help Windows 10 by SauceLadle on Tue Nov 10, 2015 8:48 pm I've followed the Adafruit Arduino IDE Setup document up until finding Flora in Other devices drop down in the Device Manager.
I got the Aurdino IDE set up, and installed the Flora inf. When I connect the flora I get a solid green led ( assumed power ), then a flashing red light. The Flroa is on COM 3 according to windows and everything looks good.
Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits: Flora & Gemma - Tools Gift Certificates Arduino Cables Sensors LEDs Books Breakout Boards Power EL Wire/Tape/Panel Components & Parts LCDs & Displays Wearables Prototyping Raspberry Pi Wireless Young Engineers 3D printing NeoPixels Kits & Projects Robotics & CNC Accessories Cosplay/Costuming Halloween Reseller and School Packs.
I copy the code to make the internal led blink as the guide said. I get a yellow blinking led on the Flora when I push the upload button. After a few seconds the yellow blinking light stops, but the green light is still solid, and the red light is still flashing. The neopixel i expected to activate does nothing.I don't get any obvious errors, and I'm not sure what the red blinking light is trying to tell me.
1) I do not have a battery connected, I assume it will draw power from the usb